Rabu, 02 Oktober 2019



Materi, Struktur, dan Contoh Teks Announcement - Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita pasti pernah mendengar atau melihat sebuah pengumuman di mading, tempat ibadah, bahkan di tempat umum. Pengumuman dalam bahasa inggris disebut juga Announcement.
Announcement adalah sebuah functional text yang menunjukkan pemberitahuan resmi/tidak resmi dalam bentuk lisan/tulisan yang berisikan pesan untuk diketahui oleh semua orang, biasanya berupa sebuah ajakan. Kita dapat mendengar atau melihat Announcement dimana-mana seperti di majalah, koran, mading, tempat ibadah, tempat umum, Televisi, Radio, dan lain lain.

Jenis-Jenis Announcement
  • Lowongan pekerjaan
  • Penerimaan murid baru
  • Pengumuman orang hilang
  • Pengumuman 
  • Berita kematian seseorang
  • Pengumuman sebuah acara
  • Pemberitahuan dari pemerintah
  • Pengumuman mading (Majalah dinding)
Bagian-Bagian Announcement
  • Judul (Title)
  • Tanggal/waktu (Date/time)
  • Tempat (Place)
  • Orang yang dapat di hubungi (Contact person)
Generic Structure dari Announcement
Announcement mempunyai struktur yang sangat sederhana yaitu title dan explanation.
  1. Title : Judul. Bagian ini menunjukkan perwakilan dari keseluruhan dari Announcement, dengan ini pembaca / pendengar dapat mengetahui langsung secara singkat isi dari Announcement tersebut.
  2. Explanation: Penjelasan. Bagian ini merupakan isi dari sebuah Announcement. Biasanya terdiri dari informasi yang mencakup jenis kegiatan, waktu, tempat, dan kepada siapa Announcement itu ditujukan.
Contoh Announcement

Text 1

Cancellation of JYJ Concert in Singapore
by Faith & D Entertainment on Monday, March 28, 2011 at 5:19am

Dear Fans and Media

This is an official announcement to inform everyone that we have just been notified by CJes Entertainment, the artist of JYJ that they have decided to cancel JYJ World Tour Concert in Singapore which is scheduled on 23 April 2011 at Singapore Indoor Stadium.

It is with utmost regret that we have to accept this cancellation notice from the artist agency at this point in time. We have submitted the final plans for stage, seating and ticketing for the agency's approval so as to proceed with the official announcement ticket sale. These plans are in accordance with the regulations required by the authorities in Singapore and the budget allocated for the concert. It is most unfortunate that the plans are not approved by CJes and their decision is to cancel the concert. We respect the agency's decision and, with great regret, we are unable to change their mind but to accept this unforeseen circumtance that is beyond our control.

We understand the dissapointment as well as the inconvenience caused due to the cancellation and we sincerely apologize - especially to the fans of JYJ

The Management
Faith & D Entertainment

Text 2

To all the students of SMAN 6 Cimahi
We are pleased to announce a futsal competition on 16th - 22th March
The participants must be from all representation from all classes from X grade until XII grade.
The representative must be registered their team names before 14th March to the Osis division or call our Osis members in-charge on the below contact numbers:
Bayu: +6281508742401 or Raisa : +628125856162

We need you to participate! Let's play like a champion!



To: all employees

There will be a blackout each Saturday during this month. Consequently, we will use the generator as the electric source. So, please do not use air conditioners on Saturdays.

Please don’t forget to turn off the lights, computers, printers during the break as usual. 
1. Where can you read the announcement?

Top of Form
     A. At school
     B. In a bank
     C. In a company
     D. In a library
Bottom of Form

2. According to the text, what should the employees turn off each Saturday?

Top of Form
     A. Computers
     B. Air conditioners
     C. Lamps
     D. Printers
Bottom of Form
 Read the following text to answer questions number 3 and 4.

This Thursday is August 17th, the Independence day .
Don't miss the Independence Day festival!
The festival begins at 08.00 in every district In Jakarta.
Gather in front of our school at 07.30 to see the parade with the principal.
Don't miss it! And Join many contests at school.
Free registration, full of prizes!
3. What does the text tell about?

Top of Form
     A. Independence day festival
     B. Gathering in school
     C. Parade with the principal
     D. School contest
Bottom of Form

4. What time will the festival start?

Top of Form
     A. 07.00
     B. 07.30
     C. 08.00
     D. 09.00
Bottom of Form
 Read the following text to answer questions number 5 to 7.

The school drama is going to organize "Mega-Mega" drama cast audition. For those who are interested to join the audition, please come to our office on Monday, 4 August, at 2 pm. to register.

The requirements are as follows:
• Your latest photograph of post card size (2)
• The registration form (get it at the office) The audition will be held on Sunday, 10 August at 9 am.

The list of the selected candidates win be announced in a week. We appreciate your participation.

Thank you
The Committee No charge for the registration form
5. Where should the participant go for registration?

Top of Form
     A. School
     B. The committee's office
     C. Cast audition hall
     D. The stage
Bottom of Form

6. These information are included in the announcement, except ....

Top of Form
     A. The place Mega-Mega drama will be staged
     B. The audition time of Mega-Mega drama
     C. The price to register in the audition
     D. The requirement of cast
Bottom of Form

7. The announcement is released by ....

Top of Form
     A. School drama committee
     B. Mega-Mega
     C. Students association
     D. Student committee
Bottom of Form
 Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.

To. All 9th Gradeers

We are approaching the end of our days at SMP Nusa Bangsa. Soon, we will leave the school we love very much. Let's leave something memorable for the school and for the students in need. Do not ruin your uniforms by spraying them with paint. Do not throw away your books. Donate your books and uniforms to the seventh and eighth graders. You might never know that your books and uniforms are badly needed by some of them. Give the stuff to Mrs. Katmiati at the staff office. The school is going to distribute the stuff to the needy students. Come on pals, don't be foolish, let's do something useful.

Mariana Hartati
Chief of Students Organization  
8. Why did Mariana Hartati write the announcement?

Top of Form
     A. To throw away their books
     B. To ask her friends to remember SMP Nusa Bangsa
     C. To inform their friends about leaving the school son
     D. To persuade her friends to donate their stuff to the needy
Bottom of Form

9. What should a students do if we wants to donate his uniform?

Top of Form
     A. He should meet Marina Hartati
     B. He should give them to Mrs Katmiyati
     C. He should come to the Students Organization office
     D. He should distribute them to the seventh and eighth graders
Bottom of Form

10. From the text we can conclude that the nineth graders are going to ....

Top of Form
     A. Donate soon
     B. Graduate soon
     C. Visit Mrs. Katmiyati
     D. Go to the staff office
Bottom of Form

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  Soal Bahasa Inggris Expressing Gratitude Kelas 7 SMP   Answer the following questions by choosing the right answer between a, b, c, d, o...